Saturday, February 21, 2009

In-Dorm Living: Martha Stewart Style


Imagine this: 
It's a saturday night with literally nothing to do. It's about as cold outside as a sub-tropical environment gets. You and your friends decide that since your RA is visiting home, it'd be a good idea to create an in-dorm sauna.

You're thinking:
"How the fuck could you do that, TWABC? It would cost THOUSANDS to accomplish that dream."

Groady dorm showers, spewing out hot water for hours on end at a velocity that could rip skin.
Simply  turn on every shower in the common bathroom, close the doors, and wait for the gloriousness that you've anticipated. 

What to bring:
- Small towel
- Digital camera to show your friends how clever you are
- Dorm furniture
- Friends
- A dream

You're thinking:
"Doesn't that just waste retarded amounts of water, TWABC? I mean, in this environmentally conscious age, couldn't you just get the same effect from a fifteen minute shower?"

The truth:

Go get 'em, tiger.



Thursday, February 19, 2009


Welcome to Big Tony and C-Money's bad call... A weekly dose of humor, stupidity and a little bit of music for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

UF Dorm Cribs

So C-Money and I decided to make a spoof on MTV's Cribs. This is our take on the matter.